Daring to Dream and
Redefine What’s Possible

We have been the earliest investor with dozens of teams that have dared to pursue their vision—creating and leading new markets, and shaping the future.

Meet the companies that inspire us every day.

Our Companies



Acante is an enterprise IT and cloud infrastructure software company. Acante can be broadly described as a “Dynamic Data Operations” company. The team has developed a novel approach to “dynamic data access control” (DDAC) for the data used in run-time applications. DDAC is a new term we have coined to describe an industry sector that does not yet exist. A major security vulnerability exists today because there is no way to understand the relationship between end users who access applications, then the sensitive data assets that are accessed by the applications on the user’s behalf. Acante strives to be the first company to monitor, then enforce policies, on the dynamic data access all the way back to the end users.

  • Founded: 2021
  • Round Partnered: Seed
  • Year Partnered: 2021
  • Fund: Clear Ventures
  • Clear Partner(s): Chris Rust
  • Status: Active

Results Matter, Success Counts

Four of the companies our team co-founded produced over $1.7 billion of market cap from 2 IPOs and 2 acquisitions.

The Clear investment team has funded over 70 companies, 90% as the first investors, and has had 54 exits valued at a $85 billion market cap.

Before we became VCs, we had already founded 5 successful companies.

Portfolio Breakdown