Common Sense Machines

Operator of an artificial intelligence simulation platform designed to translate the world into a 3D simulation. The company’s platform focuses on leveraging the flexibility of human-like learning and the speed and precision of machines to facilitate one-shot 3D perception and manipulation of everyday objects, enabling users to accelerate their goals and improve their lives. […]

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Developer of an AI-based analytics platform intended to combine the capabilities of traditional dashboards and KPI measurement. The company uses machine learning and automation technology to track, analyze, and slice key metrics and proactively identify the most important insights across the data, helping businesses to accelerate growth by applying the power of AI to business […]

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Developer of end-to-end stacking software for virtual infrastructure designed to make confidential data useful. The company’s platform allows organizations to analyze encrypted data on the cloud using popular tools like Apache Spark, while ensuring that their data is never exposed unencrypted to the cloud and provider users to process structured data securely using SQL, run […]

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Developer of a visual inspection platform designed to empower companies to become artificial intelligence-driven organizations. The company’s platform helps to improve the accuracy of machine learning models with data generation and labeling identifies issues caused by the environment and raises alerts when the model changes, enabling clients to easily manage data and accelerate troubleshooting. […]

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Wherobots is founded by the original Apache Sedona (GeoSpark) creators and specializes in efficiently managing, processing, and analyzing all sorts of geospatial data at scale. They develop software systems that are able to digest massive amount of geospatial data, effectively store it, and allow users to retrieve and analyze such data with interactive performance. […]

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Gen1E is a drug development company. Gen1E has an AI platform to screen for treatments of rare inflammatory diseases such as ARDS, ALS, Cystic Fibrosis. The CEO has been working on the p38 pathway which is the key driver of inflammation at a number of companies over the past 20 years. The Company has 21 […]

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Cartesian Kinetics

Cartesian Kinetics was founded by ex-IIT and MS and ME Stanford Engineer Jayendran Balasubramanian. Retail stores are struggling to keep up with market dynamics of instant delivery and omnichannel fulfillment, while competing with Amazon’s automated warehouses. Cartesian empowers retailers with a last mile logistics warehouse platform for storage and retrieval. […]

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AICrete is an AI company reducing the cost and environmental impact of concrete using machine learning to optimize and validate concrete recipes in real-time. The founder, Parham Aghdasi was postdoc at Berkeley for 2 years and has 5 years of AI experience in addition to 10+ years with the Department of Defense building sustainable infrastructure […]

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Spyn is improving health and fitness through computer vision and artificial intelligence. Spyn has built a fitness mobile app that applies their advanced CV algorithms to analyze users’ exercise “Spyn” sessions and identifies areas for form improvement. They are building a fitness analytics and management platform for both end users and businesses. The founder, Gopi […]

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Acante has built a comprehensive data security observability, access intelligence, and access governance solution for modern data infrastructure stacks. It empowers data platform teams to  confidently and rapidly democratize access to their data while meeting security and compliance mandates. […]

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